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Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 7)

Q. 1. What is “International Date Line”? (a). It is the Equator (b). It is the 0 degree longitude (c). It is the 90 degree longitude (d). It is the 180 degree longitude Q. 2. Ozone is maximum in (a). Towards Pole – 50 degree latitude (b). Near Equator (c). Near Tropic of Cancer (d). Towards Equator – 50 degree latitude Q. 3. Days and Nights are equal throughout globe when the Sun is above (a). Equator (b). Tropic of Cancer (c). Poles (d). Tropic of Capricorn Q. 4. On the globe, the latitudes and longitudes intersect each other at (a). 30 degree (b). 45 degree (c). 90 degree (d). 180 degree Q. 5. The International Date Line passes through which strait? (a). Palk Strait (b). Florida Strait (c). Bering Strait (d). Gibraltar Strait Q. 6. When a ship crosses Date Line from West to East it (a). Gains one day (b). Lose one day (c). Lose half day (d). Gains half day Q. 7. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the Stan