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Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 8)

Q. 1. The farthest point from the centre of the Earth is (a). South Pole (b). Tropic of Capricorn (c). Equator (d). Arctic Circle Q. 2. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the place of (a). Equator (b). South Pole (c). Antarctic Circle (d). Tropic of Cancer Q. 3. The International Date Line is located in which Ocean? (a). Arctic Ocean (b). Atlantic Ocean (c). Pacific Ocean (d). Indian Ocean Q. 4. One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of (a). 34.8 miles (b). 50 miles (c). 69 miles (d). 82 miles Q. 5. The Earth turns through 360 degree in 24 hours and each 15 degree longitude represents (a). Half an hour (b). One hour (c). Two hour (d). One hour fifteen minutes Q. 6. Both longitude and latitudes (a). run parallel to each other (b). run perpendicular to each other (c). run parallel to the equator (d). pass through the ploes Q. 7. Latitude of a point