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Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 6)

Q. 1. Which cloud is likely to cause heavy rainfall? (a). Cirrocumulus (b). Stratus (c). Stratocunulus (d). Nimbostratus Q. 2. Which of the following instruments is used to measure humidity? (a). Hygrometer (b). Barometer (c). Thermometer (d). Hydrometer Q. 3. The monsoon lands are the most conductive to the occupation of (a). Forestry (b). Fishing (c). Industry (d). Agriculture Q. 4. Which of the following cities has the maximum diurnal range of temperature in India? (a). New Delhi (b). Kolkata (c). Chennai (d). Mumbai Q. 5. What type of wind is doldrums? (a). Variable wind (b). Strong south Easterlies (c). No wind at all (d). Strong Easterlies Q. 6. The South Pole experiences continuous light at the time of (a). winter solstice (b). Summer solstice (c). Vernal equinox (d). Autumnal equinox Q. 7. Where is the doldrums belt located? (a). near the Equator (b). near the Polar areas (c). on the Tro

Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 5)

Q. 1. By the term Solar constant we mean (a). energy emitted by Sun (b). distance of the Sun (c). Area of the Sun (d). Mass of the Sun Q. 2. When the temperature rises, the relative humidity (a). Increases (b). Remains the same (c). Decreases (d). Not affected Q. 3. High speed winds in the mid latitude are known as (a). Mistral (b). Foehn (c). Jet streams (d). Westerlies Q. 4. When humid air condenses on cool surface, ................ is caused. (a). Dew (b). Hail (c). Cirrus (d). None Q. 5. The tropical cyclone is called ............... in the Bay of Bengal. (a). Willy-willy (b). Depressions (c). Typhoon (d). Mistral Q. 6. Which of the following is not a planetary wind? (a). Easterlies (b). Westerlies (c). Drainage winds (d). Trade winds Q. 7. Winter rains in North-western India are caused by (a). South-westerly monsoons (b). Trade wind (c). Westerly depressions (d). None Q. 8. Gates ar

Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 4)

Q. 1. The velocity of the winds is related to (a). Temperature (b). Pressure gradient (c). Rotation of the Earth (d). Revolution of the Earth Q. 2. What are the causes of low pressure in the equatorial region? (a). High temperature and high centrifugal force (b). low humidity (c). high humidity (d). low pressure Q. 3. The leeward side of a mountain which does not receive rain is known as the (a). rain shadow area (b). katabatic area (c). desert area (d). dry zone Q. 4. Which causes maximum reflection of light in the atmosphere? (a). ozone (b). dust particles (c). carbon dioxide molecules (d). water vapour Q. 5. Most important element of climate is (a). humidity (b). pressure (c). rainfall (d). temperature Q. 6. Blizzard mostly occur at (a). temperature zone (b). equatorial zone (c). tropical zone (d). antarctic zone Q. 7. The reason behind “the warm air rises up” is (a). warm air is heavier (b). w

Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 3)

Q. 1. The seasonal contact in pressure between sea and land gives rise to (a). Westerly wind (b). Trade wind (c). Sea breeze (d). Monsoon Q. 2. Trade winds are strongest in (a). Winter season (b). Rainy season (c). Summer season (d). Spring season Q. 3. When does the atmosphere get heated up the maximum? (a). At noon (b). After midday (c). In the forenoon (d). In the evening Q. 4. Nitrogen helps in, (a). Allowing the rain to come (b). Controlling pressure (c). Population control (d). Controlling burning Q. 5. The process by which water vapour changes into water is called, (a). Condensation (b). Vapourization (c). Evaporation (d). Sublimation Q. 6. Maximum seasonal contrasts occur in ................ regions. (a). Polar (b). Temperature (c). Equatorial (d). Tropical Q. 7. Fog is a, (a). Cloud (b). A cirrostratus cloud (c). A low stratus cloud (d). A dirty air Q. 8. Which of the following

Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 2)

Q. 1. What is a cyclone? (a). a low pressure system with clockwise winds in the Northern hemisphere (b). a high pressure system with anticlockwise winds in the Northern hemisphere (c). a low pressure system with anticlockwise winds in the Northern hemisphere (d). a high pressure system with clockwise winds in the Northern hemisphere Q. 2. An upper air wind system with very high velocities occurs in certain parts of the atmosphere is called, (a). a cyclone (b). an anticyclone (c). monsoon (d). a jet stream Q. 3. Barkhans are formed as a result of (a). winds (b). glaciers (c). underground water (d). storms Q. 4. What is a tornado? (a). a very high pressure centre (b). a very low pressure centre (c). a very high ocean wave (d). a planetary wind Q. 5. The pressure exerted by the atmosphere at sea level is (a). 5 kg/sq cm (b). 1 kg/sq cm (c). 2 kg/sq cm (d). 6 kg/sq cm Q. 6. What is the immediate cause of winds? (a).