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Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 2)

Q. 1. What is a cyclone? (a). a low pressure system with clockwise winds in the Northern hemisphere (b). a high pressure system with anticlockwise winds in the Northern hemisphere (c). a low pressure system with anticlockwise winds in the Northern hemisphere (d). a high pressure system with clockwise winds in the Northern hemisphere Q. 2. An upper air wind system with very high velocities occurs in certain parts of the atmosphere is called, (a). a cyclone (b). an anticyclone (c). monsoon (d). a jet stream Q. 3. Barkhans are formed as a result of (a). winds (b). glaciers (c). underground water (d). storms Q. 4. What is a tornado? (a). a very high pressure centre (b). a very low pressure centre (c). a very high ocean wave (d). a planetary wind Q. 5. The pressure exerted by the atmosphere at sea level is (a). 5 kg/sq cm (b). 1 kg/sq cm (c). 2 kg/sq cm (d). 6 kg/sq cm Q. 6. What is the immediate cause of winds? (a).