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Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 9)

Q. 1. Canada is divided into ........ time zones? (a). 3 (b). 4 (c). 6 (d). 5 Q. 2. What is the difference between IST and GMT? (a). 4 hours 30 min (b). 5 hours 30 min (c). 6 hours 10 min (d). 8 hours 5 min Q. 3. The time by the watches of any country are set according to (a). Greenwich Mean Time (b). Local time of that country (c). Standard time of that country (d). None Q. 4. The Australian time is ahead of IST by (a). 3 hour 30 min (b). 5 hours (c). 4 hours (d). 7hours 40 min Q. 5. Maximum differences in the spacing of longitudes is at (a). Equator (b). Tropics (c). Poles (d). Antarctic Circle Q. 6. The longitude of Calcutta in India can be determined with reference to its distance from (a). Prime Meridian (b). Tropic of Capricorn (c). South Pole (d). Equator Q. 7. Prime Meridian is also called (a). Equator (b). Arctic Circle (c). Greenwich Meridian (d). Tropic of Cancer Q. 8. The