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Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 10)

Q. 1. Which of the following is a post volcanic activity? (a). Hot Spring formation (b). Earthquakes (c). Lava ejection (d). Lagoon formation Q. 2. Synclines and anticlines are the terms associated with (a). Volcanoes (b). Faulting (c). Earthquakes (d). Folding Q. 3. Oceanic tidal waves that result from Earthquakes are known as (a). Tornadoes (b). Hurricanes (c). Tsunami (d). Willy-willy Q. 4. A volcano is a vent or an opening in the Earth`s crust through which .............. come out (a). clouds of gases (b). molten lava (c). dust, steam and sometimes pieces of rocks (d). all Q. 5. Volcano that has not erupted at all in the past but retain the features of volcano is called (a). Dead volcano (b). Active volcano (c). Extinct volcano (d). Dormant volcano Q. 6. Volcanic activity leads to the formation of (a). River valleys (b). Crater lakes (c). Lagoons (d). Coastal terraces Q. 7. Which ocean has the wor

Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 9)

Q. 1. Canada is divided into ........ time zones? (a). 3 (b). 4 (c). 6 (d). 5 Q. 2. What is the difference between IST and GMT? (a). 4 hours 30 min (b). 5 hours 30 min (c). 6 hours 10 min (d). 8 hours 5 min Q. 3. The time by the watches of any country are set according to (a). Greenwich Mean Time (b). Local time of that country (c). Standard time of that country (d). None Q. 4. The Australian time is ahead of IST by (a). 3 hour 30 min (b). 5 hours (c). 4 hours (d). 7hours 40 min Q. 5. Maximum differences in the spacing of longitudes is at (a). Equator (b). Tropics (c). Poles (d). Antarctic Circle Q. 6. The longitude of Calcutta in India can be determined with reference to its distance from (a). Prime Meridian (b). Tropic of Capricorn (c). South Pole (d). Equator Q. 7. Prime Meridian is also called (a). Equator (b). Arctic Circle (c). Greenwich Meridian (d). Tropic of Cancer Q. 8. The

Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 8)

Q. 1. The farthest point from the centre of the Earth is (a). South Pole (b). Tropic of Capricorn (c). Equator (d). Arctic Circle Q. 2. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the place of (a). Equator (b). South Pole (c). Antarctic Circle (d). Tropic of Cancer Q. 3. The International Date Line is located in which Ocean? (a). Arctic Ocean (b). Atlantic Ocean (c). Pacific Ocean (d). Indian Ocean Q. 4. One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of (a). 34.8 miles (b). 50 miles (c). 69 miles (d). 82 miles Q. 5. The Earth turns through 360 degree in 24 hours and each 15 degree longitude represents (a). Half an hour (b). One hour (c). Two hour (d). One hour fifteen minutes Q. 6. Both longitude and latitudes (a). run parallel to each other (b). run perpendicular to each other (c). run parallel to the equator (d). pass through the ploes Q. 7. Latitude of a point

Geology Objective Type Questions (Series – 7)

Q. 1. What is “International Date Line”? (a). It is the Equator (b). It is the 0 degree longitude (c). It is the 90 degree longitude (d). It is the 180 degree longitude Q. 2. Ozone is maximum in (a). Towards Pole – 50 degree latitude (b). Near Equator (c). Near Tropic of Cancer (d). Towards Equator – 50 degree latitude Q. 3. Days and Nights are equal throughout globe when the Sun is above (a). Equator (b). Tropic of Cancer (c). Poles (d). Tropic of Capricorn Q. 4. On the globe, the latitudes and longitudes intersect each other at (a). 30 degree (b). 45 degree (c). 90 degree (d). 180 degree Q. 5. The International Date Line passes through which strait? (a). Palk Strait (b). Florida Strait (c). Bering Strait (d). Gibraltar Strait Q. 6. When a ship crosses Date Line from West to East it (a). Gains one day (b). Lose one day (c). Lose half day (d). Gains half day Q. 7. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the Stan